
Results Driven Tools and Activities to Support Your Goals

Black Belts America's specialized program curriculum, developed by Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed and the Council of Grandmasters and Senior Masters, is founded on principles of development and management of interpersonal skills. With a mission to prepare its members for success in ALL aspects of life, Black Belts AmericaTM provides curriculum and content focused on advancing academic development and achievement, professional career preparation and building leadership through training, trial, and practice.

What Do Black Belts AmericaTM Members Do?
Black Belts AmericaTM members participate in Unique Advanced Training Sessions designed to develop the "whole" person. Specialized classes will build interpersonal skills, self esteem, academic and physical skills, social skills, and lifelong lifestyle habits for a healthy and successful life. Activities and training sessions completed throughout the year are documented and applied toward their accreditation.
Frequent Black Belts AmericaTM meetings and Rally Events include member-schools and will broaden the member's sense of community and diversity in the Martial Arts. Team Building and Team Leading concepts and practice are paramount skills that will benefit members through their entire life!


Members will be called to duties of Leadership Projects community service, teaching classes, mentorship, research and development projects, goal planning and assessment, and academic projects coordinated through local schools districts.


The national Black Belts AmericaTM Tournaments offers members the opportunity to enhance and evaluate their own Martial Arts skills through competition. The annual tournament provides challenge, team building, camraderie, new learning experiences and builds self-confidence.
An annual National Black Belts AmericaTM Convention will be held once a year. Advanced training workshops and networking will serve to build lifelong friendships and enduring lessons that will benefit their professional and scommunity lives.

All Black Belts AmericaTM members will be issued a Black Belts AmericaTM Success Passport each member will have their own passport to track participation and success. Each member will have their own Passport' to track activities, accomplishments and goals. The Passport entries will all be verified and signed off by an Instructor. Additional resources include on-line tracking and journaling.


What Does the Curriculum include?
  • Teaching and Assisting Techniques
  • Management Skills
  • Community/Civic Service
  • Goal Planning and Assessment
  • Organizational Skills/Time Management
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Personal Project Management
  • Competition Opportunities
  • Topical Seminars
  • Demonstration and Performances
  • Test and Evaluations
  • Travel and Training
  • Leadership Projects
  • Character Development